Saturday, February 7, 2009

Flood-Stricken Farmers Seek Govt Assistance

SIBU, Jan 31(Bernama) -- Padi Farmers affected by the worst flood since 1958 in the Selangau district near here hope to get some kind of government assistance.

Deputy Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Joseph Entulu said almost 100 percent of the wet padi farms from Stapang town to the last longhouse on the Oya River and along Mukah River and Lower Balingian areas had been completely destroyed.

"I have advised all longhouse chiefs to submit a very accurate report of all those affected and the number of families depending solely on the next harvest.

"We are hoping the government can give them some form of assistance to tide over until the next harvesting season," he told Bernama here today.

He, however, stressed the assistance sought should not be confused with compensation.

On the flood, Entulu who went around visiting the victims together with Tamin state assemblyman Joseph Mauh Ikeh, said it was very fortunate there were no casualties.

"This is a blessing from God and we hope it will stay that way. The Mukah River is now flowing exceptionally fast. A few nights ago we even had to evacuate people at night and we did it safely," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the Sibu Flood Operation Centre, the water levels in the Mukah and Baligian Rivers were still rising due to continous heavy rain since last night but the situation was still under control.

Some 927 people from 229 families living in 29 longhouses have been affected by the flood. A total of 514 evacuees are still being sheltered at four evacuation centres, namely the St.Charles Church, SADIA Centre, SJK Tong Ah and Sk Bukit Arip.

In Sibu town itself which recorded 25.5 mm of rainfall yesterday, more roads were inaccesible to light vehicles this morning due to the rain which also coincided with the occurence of the seasonal king tide at about midnight last night.


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