Friday, November 7, 2008

Window 7 nganti Vista? Manah agi ari Vista...

New information about Windows 7 at WinHEC

Windows 7 deadly sins !

Written by Enigmatux on 06 november 2008 at 16h25 Source Microsoft WinHEC 2008
After have unveiled the pre beta of Windows 7 and made a demonstration about some of its features during the PDC 2008 (read the article devoted Windows 7 at the PDC 2008), Microsoft profit of the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference or WinHEC (5 from 7 november in Los Angeles) to reveal new information about their future operating system Windows 7.

Windows 7

Thus, Microsoft tell us that :

- Windows 7 will take better charge of discs Solid State Drives (SSD) (flash memory disks which will lead up to replace mechanical hard drives) : Windows 7 will be able to identify from the installation
- it will be compatible with the Netbook (laptop computer very small type EeePC)
- it will be less greedy in memory and will use less battery
- the time of startup, extinction and hibernate will be faster than Windows Vista
- the passage in hibernate of the differents cores processor will be better managed
- Windows 7 will use better the resources of the graphics card : this will allow a fall of consumption of the RAM and the graphic card will manage alone the windows
-the management of devices will be simplified and Windows 7 will detect more quickly the connected devices

WinHEC 2008

For more information about the novelties unveiled during the Microsoft WinHEC 2008, I invite you to visit the official website of Microsoft WinHEC 2008 where you can watch videos about the conference, read many articles on Windows 7... ;)

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